Friday, 30 January 2015

Exploring my inquiry

My mind is regularly changing from what I want my Professional Inquiry to be.

I have so many areas I have discussed through Module 1, I am trying to explore certain areas in more detail.

I have started with a mind map, in a bid to clarify which area's open up more questions and which ones are already fairly self explanatory.

I have emailed Adesola for some advice on this. Hopefully it will become clearer as I look into these chosen areas in more detail.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Module 2...

Well, after a couple of weeks off, I have just had a read through the material provided for Module 2.

I feel a bit scared and at a loss where to start...but then I felt like that at the start of Module 1 so hopefully it will all work out!

I am still fairly sure of where I want my Professional Inquiry to go, however it has adapted slightly since September.

I have a few exciting job prospects on the horizon so fingers crossed for me please!

Hope you all had a great Christmas and 2015 has started off wonderfully for you all!

Right then Module 2... Bring it on!
"Live for today, we'll dream tomorrow"