Title of Inquiry (a working title of your inquiry)
Why is the Arts not more specialised in Secondary Education?
Would it be beneficial for the Arts to have a more specialised curriculum?
Who benefits from Arts in Education?
Who can gain a PGCE to teach the Arts in Education?
Context of the inquiry (why it is important and who will benefit)
I endeavour to find out why the arts are in "trouble", why they are deemed less important than other subjects and if there is any way for them to break through in to a more specialised area on the curriculum.
Current teachers, as well as aspiring teachers will benefit.
I will also explore how to arts are beneficial to all types of people, whether or not they aim to become a performer, which will support my inquiry in wondering why it is deemed less important by so many.
I started off wondering why National Diploma holders could not obtain a PGCE but realised that would be a bit of a dead end subject to look in to.
Rationale and Inquiry Question(s)
How many inquiry changed from why diploma students can't become teachers, instead positively focussing on the arts and why it is not deemed as important as other subjects.
There is a lot of pressure on teachers at the minute, especially with cuts being made to the arts like Drama and Dance. I will explore why, and look into where the arts can go from here.
Literature review, interview with secondary drama teacher and Ballet teacher.. Questionnaire filled in
Aims/Objectives (explain what you are actually going to do in the inquiry)
Logically I want to explore WHY the arts isn't more specialised and if it ever could be?
Beneficial to performers, but also to people who find support in subjects like Drama.
Literature and Publicly available ideas - What is already known about the topic of your inquiry?
Brenda Pugh McCutchens book
Articles such as http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/9653088/Arts-luminaries-warn-of-threat-to-creative-subjects-in-schools.html
Inquiry tools that you will use and why (based on your review of pilots conducted with SIGs)
Interview with Jess Smith, Head of Drama in Secondary School
Questionnaires filled out by 1 teacher in Secondary and 1 in Primary school.
Conversation with a teacher from Walton Hall Special School majoring in Performing Arts, as well as liaising with RAD Ballet teacher, who teaches this in an after school club. Also feedback sourced from aspiring teachers and get feedback from SIG.
Approach to analysis of information you will collect in the inquiry
Whilst I am hugely supportive of the Arts staying in the curriculum and becoming more specialised, I will endeavour to be fair and appreciate any findings which support why the arts are not as specialised. I aim to understand why Dance is in PE curriculum and Drama is in English and look into if this would potentially change. If not, why not?
Ethical practice in the inquiry
See blog re ethics of a teacher
Discuss ethics when discussing how the arts can be more specialised or if they never will be?
Resources needed
Articles referred to re cut backs and why the arts are important.
All the above conversations and questionnaires filled out.
Order of activities like this above plan.
Conclude how my inquiry will go, like the above headers have assisted. Focus on who will benefit, why it is important to explore, the ethical values included and research gathered. Design a detailed inquiry outline and how I intend to get my findings
Managing to mix all the above in an informative equal way for my proposal.
Why is your inquiry important?
What order of activities / time span will you employ?
Who will benefit?
How will they benefit?
What is already known about your line of inquiry?
How will you go about the inquiry?
Why will you go about it that way?
How will you ensure that ethical considerations are adhered to?
What order of activities / time span will you employ?
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