Since I've been in Australia since Module 3 began, it was difficult for me to get my head around my data collection.
I had originally wanted to go in to dance classes and observe the teachers and how they teach different genres.
The dance world is very different in Australia and they don't have the same examining or teaching bodies so it wouldn't be beneficial to observe classes here, when my title is Mapping the different ways Dance is taught in the UK.
I had to really sit down and think about my data collection process.
I decided the best thing to do was speak to teachers via skype/email about their opinions. After all, my inquiry is about how dance is taught, so the teachers opinions are most important in my opinion.
After speaking to a teacher of Zumba in a local gym, I was certain that this wasn't a route I would want to go down as a teacher myself, and also that the process to teach it, isn't very extensive, so I took Zumba off my "list" of genres of dance I'm interested in being taught.
I have decided to focus on RAD Ballet, ISTD Tap/Modern/Jazz, GCSE Dance and BTEC Dance.
Thanks Sarah